目 录
摘 要
网络做为现在比较流行的获取信息的手段,有很成熟的技术基础,在此基础作一套点餐管理的系统是很可行的,而且开发一个网上订餐管理系统从技术上说也是可行的,而且国内很多网站都用这个技术开发网络系统,它可以用来帮助人们处理日常生活。 基于jsp平台开发网上订餐系统,是基于网上销售食品信息服务之前使用传统手工方法对校外的各个饭店菜品和没事信息管理和分配管理,非常落后,有很多缺点,特别是为搜索,并且电话订购、看不到图片介绍等,更新和维护带来了很多困难。
本系统采用jsp和mysql数据库作为开发工具,设计基于jsp的网络订餐系统,目的在于实现对共享信息计算机化,网络化管理,达到在线信息查询、修改、更新及维护。系统采用jsp开发的网络结构,包括餐饮数据库建立,系统建设后期维护和前端应用开发的这两个方面的背景。 前者需要建立网络点餐数据一致性和完整性,用户数据安全性和良好的库。 而对于后者要求应用功能完备,易于在线点餐使用等。 在大量需求分析的基础上,系统完成与食品相关的信息输入,查询,统计和维护等功能设计。 系统的结果表明该程序稳定,易于操作,界面友好,具有很强的实用性。
Cloud-based and Cross-Platform Personal Information Management System
The network is now more popular means of access to information, technology is very mature, on this basis as a meal management system is feasible, and the development of a restaurant management system is technically feasible, but many domestic websites are using this technique to develop the network system, it can be used to help people deal with daily life. JSP platform online meal ordering system based on online information service based on the sales of food before using traditional manual methods to the outside of each hotel dishes and fine information management and distribution management is backward, there are many shortcomings, especially for the search, and phone orders, can not see the picture, the renewal and the maintenance has brought many difficulties.
The system uses JSP and MySQL database as development tools, and designs a network ordering system based on JSP. The purpose is to achieve shared information computerization and network management, to achieve online information query, modification, update and maintenance. The system adopts the network structure developed by JSP, including the two aspects of the establishment of the catering database, the later maintenance of the system construction and the development of the front-end application. The former needs to establish the consistency and integrity of network point data, the security of user data and a good library. For the latter, the application function is complete, and it is easy to use online point meals. On the basis of a large number of requirements analysis, the system completes the functional design of information input, query, statistics and maintenance related to food. The results of the system show that the program is stable, easy to operate, friendly and practical.
Key words: Point meal management; online ordering system; management system; practicality;