关键词:计算机office课程平台;SSM 框架;Java;MySQL数据库
The use of old methods to systematically manage courses is no longer trusted by people. Applying current network information technology to course management can solve many problems in information management, such as processing data for a long time, and data errors cannot be timely. Correct other problems.
The computer office course platform developed this time has administrators, teachers, and students. Administrator functions include personal center, student management, teacher management, course type management, course information management, homework information management, homework submission management, message board management, online forums, system management, etc. Teacher functions include personal center, course information management, homework information management, homework submission management, test paper management, test question management, exam management, etc. Student functions include personal center, homework submission management, message board management, my collection management, and exam management. After the network knowledge I checked before, plus the knowledge I learned in the school classroom, I decided to choose the B/S mode as a high-efficiency mode for the development system to complete the system function development. This mode allows operators to access the website based on a browser. The mainstream Java language, an object-oriented language, is used for the development of computer office course platform programs. In the selection of the database, the powerful MySQL database is selected for data. Storage operation.
The computer office course platform is used by people in their daily lives. This management software allows managers to process information within a dozen seconds. Information editing and other operations can be completed within these ten seconds. With such management software, course management is closer to the goal of paperless office.
Key Words:Computer office course platform; SSM framework; Java; MySQL database