摘 要
在此基础上,结合现有律所管理体系的特点,运用新技术,构建了以PHP为基础的律所管理信息化管理体系。首先,以需求为依据,根据需求分析结果进行了系统的设计,并将其划分为管理员、用户、律师三种角色和多个主要模块:预约信息、取消预约、交流信息、案件信息、案件日志、意见评价、会议安排、行程信息、费用信息等。使用PHP开发语言和MySQL数据库对系统进行高内聚低耦合的设计,使用VUE前端开源框架并集成Element UI开源组件库进行页面的设计,最终完成了律所管理系统的实现。
With the advent of global economic informatization and globalization, as well as the rapid development of the Internet, reforms in various industries have been promoted. To achieve the goal of safety and speed, it is necessary to have an information-based organization and management model, and establish a reasonable, dynamic, interactive, and efficient law firm management system. The current information management has problems such as low work efficiency and complexity, and there is currently no comprehensive system mechanism for information-based law firm management.
On this basis, combined with the characteristics of the existing law firm management system and the use of new technologies, a law firm management information management system based on PHP has been constructed. Firstly, based on the requirements analysis results, the system was designed and divided into three roles: administrator, user, and lawyer, as well as multiple main modules: appointment information, appointment cancellation, communication information, case information, case log, opinion evaluation, meeting arrangement, itinerary information, cost information, etc. Using PHP development language and MySQL database to design the system with high cohesion and low coupling, using VUE front-end open source framework and integrating Element UI open source component library for page design, the implementation of the law firm management system was ultimately completed.
The law firm management system based on PHP technology provides an efficient, convenient, and information-based solution for the current traditional management mode, which provides a new direction for the optimization of the law firm management system in the later stage.
Keywords: Design and implementation of a law firm management system; PHP language
目 录
3.3.1 用户用例图
3.3.2 管理员用例图
3.3.3 律师用例图
4 系统设计
4.1 系统概述
图4-1 系统工作原理图
4.2 系统结构设计
- 安全性
- 易用性
- 柔软性
- 柔软性
- 扩展性
图4-2 系统结构图