摘  要







关键词: 超文本表示语言、客户端脚本语言、协同办公、网页层与样式布局




This course is designed for the administration of the registration of the school teaching information according to the actual working process file made for practical work, which can reduce the working process of the workload and effectively improve the work efficiency.

The design at the begin of the front desk interface design is mainly use DIV CSS layout style, design + flexible accurate positioning when each module in the position, in program language use javascript, database is using mysql database, development tools is myeclipse8.5.0, debugging is tomcat, server system there is no limit to the word, Linux and Windows can use debugging.

The main function of the realization of the system design is to the entire school teachers all the work of the scientific research information management, and then the registration and filing and, later, user management, according to the need of information system used statistical review by the user’s query, then play, etc., are also considering some special cases, the reality in the system I joined the users to add and edit the function module.

The system design also refer to a role, is department assistant, he played a management personnel and the connection between the teacher role, mainly responsible for the user review and management, and the institute of the release of the public notice. And he also can according to the requirements of the college papers and scientific research of the corresponding inquires has the user information management and use.

The system design is similar to a OA system development, because according to the development of the OA system is thought and process to design, just because involves the working process of the comparison of the little, it can only be regarded as false OA.

KeywordsHyper Text Markup Language (HTML)、 java script、Office Automation(OA)、DIVISION +CASCADING STYLE SHEETS (DIV+CSS) 






1.1 概述和设计背景

1.2 设计思想

1.3 设计规划

2 系统设计中的相关技术

2.1 XML技术

2.2 系统设计中的相关JSP技术

2.3 系统中使用的DIV+CSS技术

2.4 数据库规划与选择概述

3 系统需求分析

3.1 系统需求获取

3.2 系统需求建模

3.3 系统需求描述

4 系统设计分析

4.1 系统模块用例分析与设计

4.1.1 用户模块分析与设计

4.1.2 公告模块分析与设计

4.1.3 科研信息登记模块

4.1.4 建议反馈模块设计

4.1.5 查询与导出模块分析设计

4.2 系统类图分析与设计

5 数据库分析与设计

5.1 数据库需求简介

5.2 数据库详细设计

5.2.1 管理系统的E-R图分析

5.2.2 管理系统的数据表设计

6 系统详细设计

6.1 时序图和协作图

6.1.1 用户登录和注册的时序图

6.1.2 用户查询和管理的时序图

6.2 状态图

6.3 用户登录活动图

7 系统实现

7.1 系统的主界面与管理

7.2 用户注册模块实现

7.3 用户管理模块实现

7.4 公告管理模块实现

7.5 用户信息录入模块实现

7.6 用户查询模块实现

7.7 论文查询模块实现

7.8 用户反馈模块实现

8 系统测试与修改

8.1 系统测试概述

8.2 系统测试









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