关键词:超市管理系统 ;JAVA ;Access ;数据库
With the rapid development of small supermarkets, a quick increase in the number of goods, the goods of all kinds of information also doubled. Small supermarket also needs to carry out statistical analysis of all kinds of information. The large supermarket management system is too cumbersome to operate a strong and resulted in reducing the efficiency of the small supermarket.
Small supermarket management system is the most popular markets, also is one of the commonly used. It contains the following modules: purchase and returns management module, sales module, inventory module, the Personnel Management module, the system module. It can make the purchase, inventory, sales, employees undergo a comprehensive, dynamic and timely management.
After analysis, the use of JAVA language for the development of tools, the use of Access as a database, the use of their database applications in the development of numerous advantages, especially in JAVA application development in the application provide a large number of database application development for a variety of group cases, greatly enhanced the efficiency of development. Constantly revised and improved, in the time the user requests to finish a available system.
This paper analyzes the background, as well as software development process, first introduced the software development environment, followed by introduction of the software design process, detailed design process: database design, each module of the design and implementation, as well as the specific interface’s design and functionality
Key words: Supermarket Management System ;JAVA ;Access;Database