摘 要
由于网络技术的迅猛发展,存储系统的规模变得越来越庞大。因此它对系统的可靠性提出了严峻的挑战。而采用EVENODD编码算法的布局策略可以同时容许两个数据块同时出错,可以很好的保证系统的稳定性。它已经被广泛应用在RAID(Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks)等技术中。本论文从EVENODD编码原理出发,详细介绍了EVENODD的编码和译码过程,以及从理论上对该译码的算法进行了分析证明,同时使用java编译技术实现了该编码过程的仿真。在本论文中还对该仿真软件的设计思路、开发过程、以及主要功能模块的实现都进行了详细的介绍。EVENODD码仿真软件的实现是理论运用于实际的又一典范。通过对其编码和译码核心算法的调用,可以实现图片、二进制文件等格式的备份和恢复。
关键词: EVENODD编码 ;容错技术 ;系统稳定性; java编译技术
Research of Fault Tolerance Technology based on Error Correcting Code
——The Design and Implementation of EVENODD Codes
With the fast development of network technique, the scale of storage system becomes bigger and bigger. So, it is an austere challenge to the system. But the data placement strategy of EVENODD which has the ability to simultaneously correct two error data blocks can ensure the stability of the system. It has been extensively used in the RAID( Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks) technology. In the thesis encoding and decoding algorithms of EVENODD codes are introduced. Moreover decoding algorithms are analyzed and proven. At the same time, the software of EVENODD emulator is developed by java technology .The idea of design, the process of development and the design of main function blocks are proposed. It is an apotheosis which uses theory in the real world. Pictures and binary files can be backed up and recovered by EVENODD codes.
Key words: EVENODD; Fault-tolerant; Stability of system; Java technology
目 录
论文总页数: 31 页