摘 要
关键词:师生健康信息管理系统,springboot框架 Mysql数据库 Java技术
With the development of mobile application technology, more and more users use mobile phones and computers to complete their life affairs, and many traditional industries pay more attention to the combination with the Internet.
This paper mainly introduces the health information management system of teachers and students based on java, using software engineering principle and development method, and using springboot framework to construct a management system. The whole development process first carries on the demand analysis to the software system, obtains the system main function. Then the overall design and detailed design of the system. The overall design mainly includes the system function design, the system overall structure design, the system data structure design and the system security design and so on; the detailed design mainly includes the system database access realization, the main function module concrete realization, the module realization key code and so on. Finally, the function of the system is tested, and the test results are analyzed and summarized, and the shortcomings in the system and the need for improvement are obtained, which provides convenience for the later system maintenance. At the same time, it also provides reference and help for the future development of similar systems. This individualized online management system pays special attention to the mutual coordination and management, which stimulates the creativity and initiative of the managers, and is very beneficial to the health information management system of teachers and students.
The database used in this teacher-student health information management system is developed Mysql, using springboot framework. In the design process, the system code is well readable, practical, extensible, universal, easy to maintain later, easy to operate and simple page.
Key words: teacher-student health information management system, springboot framework Mysql database Java technology
目 录
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