摘 要
关键词:外卖平台系统;B/S架构;Spring Boot框架;
With the development of our society, the quality of life of the people is increasingly improving. Therefore, it is necessary to standardize and strictly enforce the system of external sales platforms, which has led to the emergence of numerous information management systems. At this point, relying solely on human resources to deal with these affairs seems somewhat inadequate. So this paper will design a delivery platform system to help merchants carry out tedious and repetitive tasks such as dish classification, dish information, and orders, improving work efficiency while also reducing the pressure on managers.
The main content of this paper includes:
First, research and analyze the current mainstream web technology, combine with the daily management mode of merchants, carry out the database design design of the delivery platform system, design the functions of the delivery platform system, and explain each module.
Secondly, display and explain the architecture adopted for the implementation of the system, the servers used for system construction, the system development environment and tools used, as well as the database used in the system backend.
Finally, conduct comprehensive testing of the system, mainly including functional testing, query performance testing, and security performance testing.
Analyze the shortcomings of the system and the direction for future improvement.
Keywords: delivery platform system; B/S architecture; Spring Boot framework;
目 录
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