摘 要
本文通过采用B/S架构,MySQL数据库以及java语言、前台Vue框架,后台Spring Boot框架,结合国内线上管理现状,开发了一个基于Spring Boot的户外活动爱好者网站。系统分为多个功能模块:知识分享、论坛交流、活动信息、商品订单等。通过系统测试,本系统实现了系统设计目标,相对于人工管理方式,本系统有效的减少了经济投入,并且大幅度提升了户外活动爱好者网站的管理效率。
关键词:户外活动爱好者网站设计与实现;java语言;Spring Boot框架;MySQL数据库;
With the advent of the information age, the shortcomings of traditional management methods in the past have gradually been exposed. Analyzing the shortcomings of traditional management methods in the past, we adopt computer methods to build outdoor activity enthusiast websites. This article proposes a system construction scheme that integrates shopping cart, customer service chat, and product information management through relevant technologies such as project background, project purpose, and significance.
This article develops an outdoor activity enthusiast website based on Spring Boot, using the B/S architecture, MySQL database, Java language, front-end Vue framework, and back-end Spring Boot framework, combined with the current situation of online management in China. The system is divided into multiple functional modules: knowledge sharing, forum communication, event information, product orders, etc. Through system testing, this system has achieved its design goals. Compared to manual management methods, this system effectively reduces economic investment and significantly improves the management efficiency of outdoor activity enthusiast websites.
Keywords: Outdoor activity enthusiast website design and implementation; Java language; Spring Boot framework; MySQL database;
目 录