摘 要
关键词:springboot;JSP技术;小说阅读网站 ;MySQL
The development of the internet has driven the rapid development of the novel industry, and major websites can see the figure of reading novels. The increase in readers further suppresses the improvement of market consumption. With the increasingly fierce market competition, although many authors actively choose credit sales models, they lack sufficient attention and quality control. Some authors have not established independent credit practice management, and cannot accurately obtain reader credit information in the early stage of transactions. Instead, they easily fulfill credit obligations, making it impossible for them to achieve positive improvement.
The main modules of a novel reading website include system users, public management, forum management, information management, book management, online reading management, reading record management, user rating management, and other functions. The main purpose of administrators in the system is to securely and effectively store and manage various types of information. They can also manage, update, and maintain the system, and have corresponding operational permissions for the front-end and back-end. To achieve the various functions of a novel reading website, strong support from the backend database is required. The administrator verifies the registration information, collects user information, and analyzes a large amount of related information, which is managed by the database. In this article, MySQL is used as the backend database on the database server side, closely linking the web with the database. During the design process, the system code was fully ensured to have good readability, practicality, scalability, universality, ease of maintenance, ease of operation, and concise pages.
The development of this system makes it more convenient and efficient to obtain information from novel reading websites, while also making the information on novel reading websites more systematic and orderly. The system interface is user-friendly and easy to operate.
Key words :Springboot; JSP language; Novel reading website; MySQL
目 录
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景