[摘   要] 财务报表分析以企业财务报告及其他相关资料为主要依据,是反映企业财务状况和经营成果的“睛雨表”。财务报表分析既是对已完成的财务活动的总结,又是财务预测的前提,在财务管理的循环中起着承上启下的作用。因此,加强企业的财务报表分析工作,准确评价分析企业的财务状况十分重要。本文首先从财务报表分析的含义入手,介绍了目前常用的财务报表分析方法,并对本文使用对比率分析法进行了详细介绍;然后分析了青岛海信电器股份有限公司发展状况,并运用财务比率分析指标对青岛海信电器股份有限公司财务报表进行分析和评价;最后针对我国现行财务报表分析存在的局限性,探讨其解决对策,以期为完善和发展我国的财务报表析体系提供新的思路和方法。
[关键词] 财务报表分析、财务报表分析方法、局限性、对策

Abstract:Financial statement analysis to enterprise financial reports and other related material for main basis, is a reflection of the enterprise’s financial position and operating results “barometer”. Financial statement analysis is not only of the completed financial activities of the summary financial projections premise, financial management in the cycle of the connecting link between the preceding and the role. Therefore, to enhance the enterprise’s financial statement analysis work, accurate analysis and evaluation of enterprise financial position is very important. In this paper, the meaning of financial statement analysis, this paper introduces the common financial statement analysis methods, and this paper use contrast ratio analysis carried on the detailed introduction; And then analyzes the Qingdao hisense electrical Co., LTD development, and use of financial ratio analysis indicators of the Qingdao hisense electrical Co., LTD financial statement analysis and evaluation; Finally, according to China’s current financial statement analysis of the limitation of, this paper discusses the countermeasures, so as to improve and the development of the country’s financial statement analysis system provides the new ideas and methods.

Key words: Financial statement analyze method of financial statement analyze limitations countermeasures



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