


关键词  应收账款 问题 建

Small car rental company accounts receivable research problems

——To YingTan colorful rental company as an example




With the arrival of the market economy, the company accounts receivable amount also more and more big. Can see from this, accounts receivable in our company has increasingly important in the practical application, was also the social people from all walks of attention. However, with the growing number of accounts receivable and the problem will rise, and how to reasonable use of accounts receivable, increase the company’s current assets, to achieve the company benefit maximization affecting our country has become the healthy and steady development of the important problem. Therefore, for our country the car rental company accounts receivable application research has the vital significance.

This paper includes five parts. The first part of the topics discussed the background and study research significance, analysis of our enterprise of the present situation of the application account receivable. The second part describes the basic theory of accounts receivable, description of the account receivable the concept, the characteristic, the enterprise application process in the practical significance and accounts receivable the basic procedure and operating methods. The third part according to YingTan colorful rental company in the actual problems of accounts receivable for analysis, that company own problems and causes of the problems. The fourth part against the company and the practical problems and puts forward concrete Suggestions. The fifth part of the full text preliminary summary.


Key words: Accounts receivable ,questions ,Suggestions




目  录

第1章 绪论

第1.1节 研究的背景

第1.2节 研究的目的

第1.3节 研究的意义

第2章 应收账款应用问题的基础理论

2.1 应收账款概念

2.2 应收账款应用问题的含义以及特点

2.3 应收账款应用问题研究的意义

2.4 应收账款应用问题研究的基本程序与方法

第3章 鹰潭市华美汽车租赁公司应收账款应用问题现状分析

3.1 公司背景分析

3.2 公司应收账款应用问题现状存在的问题及原因分析

第4章 鹰潭市华美汽车租赁公司应收账款应用问题的对策研究

4.1 对公司应收账款应用问题研究的具体建议

4.2 公司未来发展趋势







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