

Xinjiang is the western province of xinjiang listed company financial competitiveness research helps to our country western border area economic development of understanding,to follow up the great western development strategy of tuning, however many listed company although the financial competitiveness of the growth in the company’s strategic management, but ignore the financial competitiveness the sustainability of growth, caused the overestimate the competitiveness of the financial ability of sustainable growth in the financial and competitive high-speed growth, the lack of form a complete set of support internal resources, thus in the company financial crisis. This paper, from the analysis of the listed company financial competitiveness in xinjiang research significance, and analyses the listed company financial competitiveness in xinjiang status quo, then to xinjiang listed company financial competitiveness and analysis, finally puts forward the listed company financial competitiveness in xinjiang and summarizes the method.


摘要 1
1 前言 4
2 新疆上市公司财务竞争力研究的意义 4
2.1 上市公司财务竞争力评价促进上市公司生存发展能力 4
2.2 上市公司财务竞争力分析为投资者提供股票投资信息 4
3 新疆上市公司财务竞争力现状 4
4 新疆上市公司财务竞争力分析 5
4.1 盈利能力分析 6
4.2 财务评估和价值评估数据分析 7
4.3财务竞争力评价 8
5 加强新疆上市公司财务竞争力的办法 8
5.1 加强现金流量,特别是经营现金流量的管理 8
5.2 培育企业的主营业务和核心竞争力 9
5.3 以针对性财务策略组合来实现上市公司的可持续增长 9
结论 10
参考文献 11
致谢 12




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