在现在加速发展的全球人口老龄化背景下,养老保障制度改革己成为各国关注的重要而紧迫的问题。而我国正面对着城镇化和人口老龄化化的双重考验,而我国特殊的国情又决定了农村养老是我国养老保险的重中之重。城镇化是我国重大的发展战略选择 但城镇化也面临着诸多问题和矛盾.其核心问题是农民问题。诸如失地问题、身份问题、就业问题、社会养老保障问题等等。冈此分析借鉴国外城镇化进程中农村社会养老保险的经验,探索适合我国农村社会养老保险制度.这对于解除农民的后顾之忧,促进我国城镇化进程健康有序地发展有着十分重要的实践意义。本文通过对国外几个典型国家的农民社会养老保险制度比较,得出构建我国农村社会养老保险制度的几点启示。
关键词 养老保险 城镇化 问题比较
Abstract: in the background of global population aging now accelerate development, reform of the pension insurance system has become urgent and important issues. But our country is facing double challenges of urbanization and population aging process, and the special situation of our country and determines the rural pension is the priority among priorities of the endowment insurance in our country. China’s urbanization is a major strategic choice for the development of the urbanization is facing many problems and contradictions. The core of the problem is the problem of farmers. Social problems, such as identity, employment, social security and so on. So analyzing the process of urbanization in the rural social endowment insurance experience, explore the suitable for China’s rural social endowment insurance system. This will remove any menace from the “rear” of farmers, promote the urbanization process of our country healthy and orderly development has a very important practical significance. Based on several typical foreign country’s rural social pension insurance system, and gets some enlightenment to build