
关键词:银行 风险控制 扩张结构优化

Abstract:With China’s rapid economic growth, China’s vigorous development of SMEs, in the national economy plays a more and more important role. But our country small and medium-sized enterprise mortality rate is fairly high, there are a variety of reasons, the unreasonable financing structure is one of them. Since the beginning of this century, Chinese government started to attach importance to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, the theoretical circles and practical circles have begun to pay attention to the problem of financing SMEs, this paper points out that China’s small and medium enterprises in financing structure adjustment optimization goal of the first is the growth of enterprises, because in the small and medium-sized enterprise high mortality, don’t grow means death. This paper analyses the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises to optimize the structure of the research has important theoretical significance. Secondly, the growth is the small and medium-sized enterprise financing structure whether reasonable and effective response, reasonable financing structure is inevitable with the sustained and healthy development of SMEs linked. This research also has the time urgency and practical significance. Industry factors to the small and medium-sized enterprise financing structure has significant influence, but the small and medium-sized enterprise ownership nature did not have a significant impact on the financing structure. Finally, this paper puts forward to realize our country small and medium-sized enterprise sustainable growth financing structure policy recommendations, including credit rating, bank reform, direct financing, corporate governance, market environment etc.. Theoretically, it will help to make up the home and abroad in the research field of inadequacy, improvement and development of small and medium-sized enterprise growth theory and the theory of financial structure; in practice, it will be helpful to develop our country small and medium-sized enterprise financing structure optimization of effective policies and measures, promotes our country small and medium-sized enterprise higher, faster, better growth.
Key words: small and medium-sized enterprise debt financing risk control



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