摘 要


任何小程序都要遵循系统设计的基本流程,本小程序也不例外,同样需要经过市场进行调研,论文需求进行分析,概要设计,系统详细设计,测试和编码等步骤,使用微信开发者与Java语言、 SSM框架、B/S架构、MySQL数据库设计进行开发并实现了儿童免疫接种系统小程序。系统主要包括医生、家长、接种点管理、宝宝信息、接种证、疫苗信息、疫苗提醒、成长记录、咨询信息、培训信息、回复信息等功能模块。

经过认真细致的研究,精心准备和规划,最后测试成功,系统可以正常使用。分析功能调整与儿童免疫接种系统实现的实际需求相结合,讨论了微信开发者与 SSM框架开发儿童免疫接种系统小程序的使用。

关键词:儿童免疫接种系统小程序;微信开发者; SSM框架;MySQL数据库;Java语言。


With the rapid development of information technology, Internet and small programs, human beings have entered a new information age. Traditional management technology has been unable to manage information efficiently and conveniently. In order to meet the needs of the times and optimize management efficiency, a variety of wechat applets came into being. All walks of life have entered the era of information management. Among them, children’s immunization system applets are one of the products of the transformation of the information age.

Any applet should follow the basic process of system design, and this applet is no exception. It also needs to go through the steps of market research, paper demand analysis, outline design, system detailed design, testing and coding. Wechat developers and Java language, SSM framework, B / S architecture and MySQL database design are used to develop and implement the applet of children’s immunization system. The system mainly includes doctors, parents, vaccination point management, baby information, vaccination certificate, vaccine information, vaccine reminder, growth record, consultation information, training information, reply information and other functional modules.

After careful research, careful preparation and planning, the final test is successful, and the system can be used normally. This paper analyzes the actual needs of function adjustment and the implementation of children’s immunization system, and discusses the use of wechat developers and SSM framework to develop children’s Immunization System applet.

Key words: child immunization system small program; Wechat developer; SSM framework; Mysql database; Java language.



Abstract II

1 绪论

1.1 课题背景 2

1.2 课题研究现状 3

1.3 课题意义 4

1.4 本文研究内容 5

2 系统开发环境 6

2.1 Java语言 7

2.2 SSM框架 8

2.3微信开发者工具 9

2.4 B/S架构 10

2.5小程序简介 11

2.6 MySQL环境配置 12

3 系统分析 13

3.1 系统可行性分析 14

3.1.1 经济可行性 15

3.1.2 技术可行性 16

3.1.3 运行可行性 1

3.2 小程序现状分析 18

3.3 功能需求分析 19


3.4.1操作流程 21

3.4.2添加信息流程 22

3.4.3删除信息流程 23

4 系统设计 24

4.1 系统设计主要功能 25

4.2 数据库设计 26

4.2.1 数据库设计规范 27

4.2.2  E/R 28

4.2.3 数据表 29

5 系统实现

5.1医生功能模块(微信端) 31

5.2家长功能模块(微信端) 32

5.3管理员功能模块(服务端) 31


6 系统测试 33

6.1 功能测试 34

6.2 可用性测试 35

6.3 性能测试 36

6.4 测试结果分析






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