摘 要









With the advent of the information age, network systems tend to be intelligent and systematic, and the small program of garbage emotion tree hole platform is no exception. However, at present, many industries in China still use manual management. There are more and more entertainment videos, and the amount of information is becoming larger and larger. It is obvious that manual management can not cope with the changes of the times, and the small program of garbage emotion tree hole platform can solve this problem well, It can not only improve users’ understanding of the garbage emotional tree hole platform, but also speed up the efficiency of administrators. It is an inevitable trend to replace manual management.

The garbage emotional tree hole platform applet takes Django as the framework, B / S mode and MySQL as the database running in the background. The system mainly includes the following functional modules: user, entertainment video, leisure articles, today’s emotion and other modules. The implementation of these modules can basically meet the operation of the small program of the garbage emotion tree hole platform.

Firstly, select the applicable language and development platform for the system, formulate the module and design the database structure according to the demand analysis, and then draw the function module diagram, flow chart and E-R diagram of the system according to the design of the overall function module of the system. Then, design the framework and write code according to the designed framework to realize each functional module of the system, and test the preliminarily completed system, mainly functional test, unit test and performance test. The test results show that the system can achieve the required functions, the operation condition is OK, there are no obvious shortcomings, the operation effect is stable, and the operation is convenient and fast. It is a small program of garbage situation tree hole platform with comprehensive functions, good practicability, high security, good scalability and maintainability.

Key words: garbage emotional tree hole platform applet; Django framework; Mysql database;






目 录

Abstract I

第一章 绪论 1

1.1  研究背景 2

1.2  垃圾情绪树洞平台的现状 3

1.3  系统实现的功能 4

1.4  垃圾情绪树洞平台的特点 5

1.5  本文的组织结构

第二章 开发技术与环境配置

2.1  Python简介 8

2.2  Django框架介绍 9

2.3  微信小程序简介 10

2.4  mysql数据库介绍 11

2.5  B/S架构 12

第三章 系统分析与设计

3.1 可行性分析

3.1.1 技术可行性

3.1.2 操作可行性


3.1.4 法律可行性

3.2  需求分析

3.3 系统流程的分析

3.4 网站现状分析

3.5 总体设计

3.6 数据库设计与实现

3.6.1 数据库概念结构设计

3.6.2 数据库具体设计 25

第四章  系统功能的具体实现

4.1  管理员服务端功能模块

4.2  用户微信端功能模块

第五章 系统测试 29






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