摘  要



少儿编程网上报名系统的开发过程中,采用B / S架构,主要使用java技术进行开发,中间件服务器是Tomcat服务器,使用Mysql数据库和Eclipse开发环境。该少儿编程网上报名系统包括用户和管理员。其主要功能包括管理员:首页、个人中心、用户管理、课程类型管理、课程信息管理、课程购买管理、退课管理、课程评价管理、留言板管理、系统管理,用户:首页、个人中心、课程购买管理、退课管理、课程评价管理、我的收藏管理,前台首页;首页、课程信息、课程资讯、留言反馈、个人中心、后台管理等功能。



关键词少儿编程网上报名系统,Mysql数据库,Java技术  SSM框架













   Under the influence of the state’s emphasis on education and the close cooperation of the education departments, the requirements for education reform, diversity and quality have made the management and operation of the education system more rational than that of the past decade. According to this reality, it is very important and valuable to design a fast and convenient online children’s programming online registration system. For the traditional children’s programming online registration system control model, children’s programming online registration system has many incomparable advantages, the first is to quickly update the information of children’s programming online registration system, the second is the management of a large amount of information, and the last is a high degree of security, and easy to use, which makes the management and operation of children’s programming online registration system very convenient Defecation.

In the development process of children’s programming online registration system, B / S architecture is adopted, mainly using Java technology. The middleware server is Tomcat server, using MySQL database and eclipse development environment. The system includes users and administrators. Its main functions include administrator: home page, personal center, user management, course type management, course information management, course purchase management, course withdrawal management, course evaluation management, message board management, system management, user: home page, personal center, course purchase management, course withdrawal management, course evaluation management, my collection management, front page; home page, course letter management Information, course information, message feedback, personal center, background management and other functions.

In this paper, the development background of children’s programming online registration system is introduced in detail, and the system development technology is introduced, and then the requirements of the system are analyzed, and the business process, system structure and data of children’s programming online registration system are described in detail. Users can search the course information they want according to the keywords.

Key words: children programming, online registration system, MySQL database, Java technology, SSM framework

目  录



1 概述

1.1 研究背景

1.2 研究现状

1.3 研究内容 2

第二章 开发技术介绍 2

2.1  系统开发平台 2

2.2 平台开发相关技术 3

2.2.1  B/S架构 3

2.2.2  Java技术介绍 4

2.2.3  mysql数据库介绍 4

2.2.4  SSM三大框架 4

第三章 系统分析 5

3.1 可行性分析 6

3.1.1  技术可行性 7

3.1.2 经济可行性 8

3.1.3 操作可行性 8

3.2 系统性能分析 9

3.3 系统功能需求分析 10

第四章 系统设计 11

4.1 系统的功能结构图 11

4.2 数据库概念结构设计 12

4.2.1  数据库E-R 13

4.2.2 数据库逻辑结构设计 13

第五章 系统功能实现




第六章 系统测试

6.1 测试内容与结果

6.2 测试结论



参考文献 25



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