
I should like to thank the following people for their invaluable assistance in the writing of this dissertation.

In the completion of this dissertation, I am extremely grateful to my supervisor, Ms Zheng Sanliang, for her instruction and enlightenment concerning intercultural communication and other fields, valuable suggestions during the period in which this dissertation was being written, generosity in spending her precious time revising this dissertation meticulously, and her encouragement as well.

Thanks should also be extended to my lovely classmates and roommates, without whose help and encouragement the completion of the dissertation would have been impossible.









Since festival culture is the precious cultural heritage of a nation,the traditional festivals of that nation are marked with its distinct national features and rich presentation forms. By comparison between the key Chinese and Western traditional festivals, it can be seen that Chinese and western festivals serve as an intriguing window into their cultural differences. The traditional practices find expressions in the origins and customs of every national festival, which in turn reflect the morality of the whole nation and its people. What traditional festivals of different nations differ goes hand in hand with the existing pattern and ways of living of these nations, which is clearly shown in the following.

Firstly, different religious beliefs bring about different religious ideas. The westerners believe in only one God who they believe helps them in every aspect while Chinese people worship one particular immortal, out of many immortals, which can do them good. Besides, Chinese people advocate “harmony between human being and nature” and regard the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the gods as important as that to their ancestors, which is contrary to the westerners who only bear the God’s blessings in mind.

Secondly, different cultures lead to different functions of traditional festivals. Western traditional culture is mainly Christian culture while Chinese culture is a culture of which the Confucian school takes up much proportion while other various schools of thought some. The main function of Chinese traditional festivals is not in giving people a chance to let loose but in inheriting the ethical morality, thus lacking what the public needs for recreation. By contrast, there are much more recreation than ethical teachings in some western ones, like carnivals, thereby granting more chances of showing individuality and indulging in amusement.

Thirdly, different ways of expressing feelings give birth to different modes of celebrating festivals. The westerners express their feelings bluntly and fervently while Chinese people do exquisitely and implicitly. Therefore, the westerners tend to carouse together with many people, even with the strangers,yet Chinese people center their festival celebrations on the activities of the family.

Though differences of traditional festivals are formed for the above reasons, there are still similar points among different cultures, like origins and festival contents. In other words, they share some of the same features.


Key Words: traditional festivals    culture    differences   similarities



















摘  要







关键词:传统节日    文化    不同点    相同点






  1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………..………1
  2. Typical Chinese traditional festivals…………………………………………………2
    • Spring Festival………………………………………………………….…….….2
      • Origin of Spring Festival…………………….……………………….…..…2
      • Customs…….…………………………….….…………………………….….3
        • Thorough cleaning………………..…….……………….….………3
        • Family celebration………………..….…..………….……….…….3
        • Lucky money…………………….……..………….……………….4
      • Clear Brightness Festival…………………………..……………….……………4
        • Legend of Clear Brightness Festival…………….…………………………4
        • Customs……………………………………………………………………5
          • Sweeping the tombs……….……………………..……………..…5
          • Going out for hiking…………………………………………..……5
          • Flying kites…………………………………………………………6
        • Double Seventh Festival………………………………….………………..…….6
          • Legendof Double Seventh Festival……………………….………………..6
          • History of Double Seventh Festival……………………………………….7
          • Customs and traditions…………………………………………………….8
            • Begging for deftness and love……………………………..……….8
            • Holding competition………..…………….……………..…………8
  1. Typical western traditional festivals…………………………………………………8

3.1 Valentine’s Day…………………………………………..………………………9

3.1.1 Legend of Valentine’s Day………………………………….….………….9

3.1.2 Traditions and customs………………….………………………………10 Looking for dates……………….……….….…….…………… 10 Exchanging notes and gifts…….…….…….…….……………..10 Dining out……………………………………………………….11

3.2 Halloween……………………………………………….…..………………….11

3.2.1 Origin of Halloween………………………………….………..…………12

3.2.2 Customs of Halloween……………………………………………………12 Making jack-o’-lantern……………………………….…………12 Tricking or treating…………..……………………….…………13 Attending costume parties.………………………………….…..13

3.3 Christmas……………………………………………………………………….14

3.3.1 Origin of Christmas……..………………………………….……………14

3.3.2 A brief history of Christmas………………………….………………….14

3.3.3 Customs…………………………………………….……………………15 Celebrating Christmas Eve………………………………………15 Making decorations………………………………………………16 Singing carols……………………………………………………16

  1. Analysisof Chinese and western traditional festivals……………………………..17

4.1 Differences.…………….……………………………………………..……….17

4.1.1 Religious belief………………………….……..………………………..17

4.1.2 Ethical culture……………………………….……..…………………….18

4.1.3 Ways of expressing feelings……………………..……….………………20

4.2 Similarities……………………………………….…………………………….22

4.2.1 Origins……………………………………………………………………22

4.2.2 Festival contents………………………….……………………………….23

  1. Conclusion……………………………………………….…………………………24




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