1. Introduction
  2. The current situation and problems of English vocabulary teaching

2.1 The current situation of vocabulary teaching in senior high schools

2.2 The problems existing in vocabulary teaching in senior high schools

2.3 The reasons for problems existing in vocabulary teaching

2.3.1 Students’ subjective factors

2.3.2 Teachers’ teaching methods

  1. The objectives and importance of vocabulary teaching

3.1 Definition of vocabulary

3.2 The objectives of vocabulary teaching in senior high schools

3.3 The importance of vocabulary teaching

  1. A brief introduction of Communicative Approach

4.1 The definition of Communicative Approach

4.2 Main features of the Communicative Approach

  1. The application of Communicative Approach to vocabulary teaching

5.1 The communicative principles in vocabulary teaching

5.2 Establishing communicative situation and creating communicative activities to teach vocabulary

5.3 Purpose of the experiment

5.4 Subjects of the experiment

5.5 Procedures of the experiment

5.5.1 Pre-questionnaire

5.5.2 Teaching process The first stage—presentation of new words The second stage—practice The third stage—language use fourth stage–consolidation of vocabulary

5.5.3 Post-questionnaire

5.6 Results of the experiment

5.7 Analysis of the results

  1. Suggestions should pay attention to

6.1 The amount of vocabulary

6.2 Learning strategies and memorizing skills of vocabulary

6.3 Roles of teachers and students

6.4 Attitudes to errors

  1. Conclusion



1. Introduction

Vocabulary is the carrier for people to communicate with each other. McCarthy (1990: 5) said, without enough words one cannot communicate with others, no matter how wonderful his grammar and pronunciation are.



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