Role of native English songs and movies in College English Listening Class




I Introduction

1.1 Article writing background and significance

1.2 The Structure of The Article

  1. Literature Reviews

2.1 Theoretical Basis

2.2 Survey

III. Advantage of the form

  1. Results of the form

4.1 lack of traditional classroom hearing problems ,

4.2 Method of Teaching

4.3 Native English Songs and Movies , Listening Training Form

  1. Discussion and Conclusion




传统的大学英语教学由于内容枯燥、形式单调,导致学生对英语学习缺乏兴趣,英语听、说能力普遍较差,很不适应当今全球化趋势的需要。要提高大学英语听力的质量,必须采用丰富的教学手段。 利用英文歌曲和电影辅助大学英语教学是一种很好的教学手段,能够激发学生的学习兴趣,提高教学质量。本文从听力教学中的问题入手,分析英文歌曲和电影的优势、在教学中的应用方法,以及应用中的注意事项。既可以同时调动学生的兴趣,又能够有效拓宽和加深学生对英语的认知与理解,这对于提高他们的英语综合应用能力必定大有好处。



关键词: 英文歌曲、电影、大学英语听力教学、学习兴趣




Because traditional college English teaching content boring, monotonous form, resulting in a lack of student interest in learning English, English listening and speaking ability is generally poor, it is not suited to the needs of today’s globalization. To improve the quality of college English listening, we must adopt a wealth of teaching methods. The use of English songs and movies assisted college English teaching is a good teaching tool that can stimulate students’ interest in learning, improve teaching quality. In this paper, the problem of listening teaching, analyzes the advantages of English songs and movies in Teaching methods and application note. Either simultaneously mobilizes the interest of students, but also can effectively broaden and deepen students’ knowledge and understanding of the English language, which will certainly beneficial for improving their English language proficiency.


Key words: English songs, movies, college English listening teaching, learning interest



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