摘 要
二手商品交易网站是一个服务于在校学生的C2C(Custom to Custom)的交易网站,通过本网站用户可自由出售和购买商品,为广大学生提供了平等互利、方便快捷的交易空间。系统的主要功能包括:会员管理、类别管理、用户注册、商品发布、商品审核。
With the rapid development of e-commerce, online trading has to play its irreplaceable advantages. But because of electronic commerce in the campus application starts relatively late, and the campus electronic commerce application is not mature, so that the development of campus e-commerce is slow.
Secondhand goods transactions website is a service to the students of C2C ( Custom to Custom ) transaction website, through the web site, users can freely buy and sell goods, provides students with equality and mutual benefit, convenient and efficient trading spaces. The main functions of the system include: membership management, category management, user registration, product releases, product review.
The front of the system using JSP as a development language, the use of MySQL as a database management system, the development environment is MyEclipse, server using tomcat, developed a Web technology based on B / S structure of second-hand electronic products trading system.
Key words: secondary trading networks, online store, JSP,
B / S structure
目 录