摘 要
本论文论述的是一个简化的Web应用程序模型,是一个B/S结构的 JSP+sql的应用。主要介绍了采用的JSP技术和sql技术结合的特点,系统功能非常的完善,而且选择开放的应用平台,建设了一套与平台无关,以统一的服务接口规范和与数据库相连的网站应用。以及怎样使Web程序设计模块化和面向对象化,即将表现和逻辑剥离。还介绍了采用的编程模型和特点。JSP技术以其独特的优势成为开发网站系统的首选工具,论文中以一种简化的方式介绍了JSP开发网站系统的方法和特点,即使用Eclipse开发工具,使用本机做服务器模拟实现客户端登录,最终能够实现客户端的所有操作。由于JSP具有一次编写,各处的运行、丰富而且高质量的工具支持、通过构件和标签实现重用、通过指令和标签库增强与面开发能力等优点,开发的系统可以在任何平台上编写、运行在任意平台上的JAVA服务器构件。
With the enrichment of campus culture, college societies is becoming more and more community activities is becoming more and more frequent, members also more and more, and quit college students, the club are frequent, community management is very cumbersome and complex, if using artificial management, for the administrator will be a very hard thing to do. Design and develop efficient community management system is very important. In order to improve the efficiency, make full use of computer resources, and at the same time let’s apply what we learn is just to the real life, exercise designing experience of the project, especially our computer professional students, because of the lack of specific project experience, generally can’t feel knowledge into ability after graduation. Curriculum design can exercise our ability to integrate theory with practice, for the future work.
This thesis is a simplified model of Web application is a B/S structure of the application of JSP + SQL. Mainly introduced the use of JSP technology and SQL technology combined with the characteristics of system function is perfect, and choose the open application platform, to build a set of has nothing to do with the platform, are connected to the database in a unified service interface specification and site application. And how to make Web modularization and object oriented program design, the performance and logic. Also introduced the programming model and characteristics. JSP technology with its unique position to become the development tools of choice for web site system, the thesis in a simplified way is introduced JSP development methods and characteristics of website system, which USES the Eclipse development tools, use the machine to do simulation realization of client server login, eventually be able to achieve the client’s all operations. Because the JSP has write once, run everywhere, rich and high quality tools support, through the component reuse and tag, with surface through instruction and tag library to enhance development ability, the development of the system can be written on any platform, JAVA server component to run on any platform.
目 录