关键词:选课排课系统; JSP;MYSQL
The popularity of the Internet has changed people’s normal life, study and consumption habits, but also greatly saved people’s time, because all kinds of management systems are increasing, more convenient for users, but also improved a lot of user habits. In order to improve the efficiency of course selection system, this course selection system is developed.
The design of the course selection and scheduling system is mainly to consider the functions to be realized in detail, to determine the functions to be realized, and to design the interface. It is easy for users to find the information they need, and the later maneuverability of the system platform.
By using the existing mature technical reference, taking the source code as the template, this paper analyzes the combination of the function adjustment and the actual demand of the course selection scheduling system, and discusses the use of the JSP development course selection scheduling system.
Keywords: course selection scheduling system; JSP;MYSQL
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