经过本人的综合考虑和企业走访,企业人事管理系统的设计是基于jsp技术+sqlserver数据库+tomcat服务器的方式设计,以myeclipse为开发工具,并运用Photoshop CS6技术美化网页,辅之以CSS技术。系统是基于面向对象编程的web应用程序。本系统主要实现的功能有管理员和员工的登录、系统用户管理、员工档案管理、员工工资管理、员工考勤管理、员工培训管理、绩效福利管理、员工合同管理、员工解聘管理、系统管理等功能。
【关键词】 企业人事管理系统,jsp编程技术,sqlserver数据库
Design and implementation of enterprise personnel management system
——Based on JSP + sqlserver + tomcat
【Abstract】In the face of huge amount of enterprise personnel management system are needed to improve the efficiency of the staff management.Through this system can achieve information management, scientific statistics and quick query, modify, add, delete, etc., thereby reducing the workload of management.Now the enterprise personnel management system, need to perfect the enterprise personnel management system, help the human resources department to improve work efficiency, realizes the enterprise information management systematization, standardization and automation.
Visit after my comprehensive consideration and enterprise, enterprise personnel management system design is based on JSP technology + + tomcat server design, essentially a database with myeclipse as development tools, and use Photoshop CS6 beautify the web technology, supplemented by the CSS technology.System is based on the object-oriented programming web applications.This system mainly realizes the function of administrators and staff login, the system user management, staff files management, staff wage management, attendance management, staff training, performance management, staff welfare, staff contract management, employee dismissal management, system management, and other functions.
【Key Words】Enterprise personnel management system, JSP programming techniques, essentially a database