摘  要

计算机课件教学是建立在以网络为基础的一种教学方式,它的及时性,互动性,以及模拟演示等方面,是传统教学无法逾越的,它有着传统教学方式无法比拟的优势。 计算机课件教学作为现代课件教育的重要组成部分在保障教学效果方面起着不可替代的作用,已经获得了越来越多的人青睐。但是由于它的发展起步较晚,技术上还很不成熟。

本设计的开发是基于B/S结构,采用JSP程序设计语言及SQL Server 2005数据库进行开发;论文首先阐述了基于B/S模式的课件教育的开发,并对该系统进行了较详细的需求分析;然后探讨了该系统需要实现的设计方案,该系统主要包括前台:学生注册、教材介绍、教学视频、课件下载、自我测试、论坛、系统简介;后台:用户管理、教材介绍管理、课程信息管理、课件下载管理、教学视频管理、个人资料管理、题库管理、系统管理等功能模块。最后,在测试与分析过程中,该系统表现出了运行稳定、可靠和实用等特性,具有一定的实用价值。





Computer network courses is to establish a web-based teaching methods, its timeliness, interactive, and analog presentation is traditional teaching insurmountable, it has the advantages of traditional teaching methods can not match. Computer network class as an important part of the modern distance education plays an irreplaceable role in the protection of the effectiveness of teaching, has gained more and more people favor. However, due to the late start of its development, technically still immature.

The development of this design is based on B / S structure, the use of JSP programming language and SQL Server 2005 database development; paper first describes the the network curriculum development based on B / S mode, and a more detailed needs analysis of the system ; and then discusses the need to achieve the system design, the system includes front: student enrollment, teaching materials, teaching video, software downloads, self-test, forums, Introduction; background: user management, teaching materials introduced management, curriculum information management , the courseware download manager, teaching video management, personal information management, exam management, system management, and other functional modules. Finally, in the process of testing and analysis, the system performance is stable, reliable and practical features, has a certain practical value.

Key words:  Network Course; B / S structure; database; JSP




1 引言

1.1 课题背景

1.2 本课题研究的意义

1.3 本课题的研究思路和方法

1.4 本文的主要工作

2 开发工具介绍

2.1 JSP技术

2.1.1 JAVA简介

2.1.2 JSP简介

2.1.3 JavaBeans介绍

2.1.4 JDBC 驱动程序介绍

2.2 Myeclipse介绍

2.3 SQL Server2005数据库

2.4 Browser/Server(B/S)结构

3 需求分析及设计方案

3.1 需求分析

3.2 设计方案

3.2.1 系统功能

3.2.2 系统结构

4 具体设计流程及实现

4.1 数据库设计

4.1.1 数据库需求分析及E-R图


4.2 部分关键编码实施实现

4.2.1 课件下载编码实现

4.2.2 教学视频编码实现

4.2.3 自我测试编码实现

5 系统运行及测试与分析

5.1 系统的运行

5.1.1 用户登录界面


5.1.3 教材介绍管理


5.1.5 课件下载管理

5.1.6 教学视频管理


结    论


致    谢



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