摘 要




关键词:RSA算法,计算机管理系统,JAVA, MYSQL


Although there are many kinds of digital signature schemes that can solve many problems, a feasible signature scheme is required to meet the requirements of security and efficiency. Most digital signatures only made a theoretical analysis, did not carry out security proof, the proposed scheme leads to defects more or less secure, and efficiency is an important index to evaluate the scheme, so with the development of clpkc, certificateless digital signature scheme design corresponding has become one of hot research the direction of the field of digital signature.

Identity based cryptosystem, public key is user’s biometrics. Because biometrics is unique, biometrics based digital schemes have been extensively studied in recent years. The cryptosystems that are now studied are safe in the era of electronic computers

This paper mainly analyzes the basic functions and composition of the digital signature system based on RSA, including the requirement analysis, system structure, function module partition and database schema analysis, etc., and focuses on the actual development and implementation of the application program. It achieves the consistency and security of data, and the application function is complete, which accords with the requirement of RSA algorithm encryption and decryption as a typical information management system (MIS). At the same time, the features of the Java programming environment and the MYSQL database management system are briefly introduced.

Key words:RSA algorithm, the computer management system, JAVA, MYSQL



第1章 前 

1.1 研究意义

1.2 编写目的

1.3 研究现状

1.3 本章小结

第2章 理论及技术基础

2.1 JSP技术简介

2.1.1 JSP工作原理

2.1.2 JSP体系结构

2.2 MYSQL简介

2.3 数字签名


第3章 需求分析

3.1 需求分析

3.2 可行性研究分析

3.2.1 技术可行性

3.2.2 经济可行性

3.2.3 操作可行性


第4章 总体设计

4.1 系统总体模块图

4.2 数据库层的设计

4.2.1 概念模型设计

4.2.2 关系模式设计

4.3 本章小结

第5章  详细设计

5.1 后台设计

5.1.1 角色权限设计

5.1.2 角色验证设计

5.2 数据库设计

5.2.1 逻辑结构设计

5.2.2 物理结构设计

5.2 系统实施

5.2.1 登录模块界面


5.2.3 秘钥管理模块界面

5.2.4 文件加密解密模块界面

第6章  系统测试

6.1 系统的测试

6.1.1 黑盒测试

6.1.2 白盒测试

6.3 系统测试结果

6.4 本章小结






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