摘 要
在本系统的设计中,运用Java设计语言,系统的数据库采用了 SQLSERVER。此次系统设计主要包括几大功能模块,这几大功能模块将企业商品管理涉及的各方面内容都考虑进去。这几大功能模块分别是系统用户管理、基础资料管理、员工信息管理、仓库信息管理、商品信息管理、商品入库管理、商品出库管理、商品盘点模块。最后,经过系统需求分析、和系统设计方式进行验证,结果显示,证明本设计有实用价值。从而从软件设计的角度对研究的理论,基础、系统整体布局及系统等具体设计进行了详细研究。
With the rapid development of information technology, computer application has entered innumberable families, along with the enterprise products is constantly increasing, also there are many problems on commodity enters sells saves the management. The rapid growth of the commodity data processing, the original manual management mode has not suitable for this kind of form, using the computer can complete data collection, processing and analysis, reducing waste of manpower and material resources. Enterprises need goods store enters sells saves the system set up, for enterprise information management system of commodity management and dynamic management, improve management quality and efficiency.
In the design of this system, using the Java design language, the database of the system USES SQLSERVER. The system is designed to include several functional modules, which take into account all aspects of enterprise merchandise management. The several major functional modules were users of the system management, basic data management, staff information management, information management, commodity information management, commodities procurement management, sales management, inventory module. Finally, through the analysis of system requirements and system design, the results show that the design has practical value. This paper studies the theory, basis, system layout and system design of the software from the perspective of software design.
Keywords:Management system; Inventory management; Information management; The Java language
目 录