摘 要
进入21世纪,计算机技术迅速向着网络化的、集成化方向发展。传统的单机版应用软件正在逐渐退出舞台,取而代之的是支持网络、支持多种数据信息的新一代网络版应用软件,形成了信息化的社会。信息化社会的形成和微电子技术日新月异的发展,对落后低效的办公手段提出了挑战,信息是管理的基础,是进行决策的基本依据。本搬家预约系统是将IT技术用于搬家预约信息的管理, 它能够收集与存储搬家预约的档案信息,提供更新与检索搬家预约信息档案的接口;提高工作效率。
In the 21st century, computer technology is developing rapidly towards networking and integration. The traditional stand-alone version of application software is gradually out of the stage, replaced by a new generation of network version of application software that supports the network and supports a variety of data information, forming an information society. The formation of information society and the rapid development of microelectronics technology challenge the backward and inefficient office means. Information is the foundation of management and the basic basis for decision-making. The restaurant moving reservation system uses IT technology for the management of moving reservation information, which can collect and store the file information of moving reservation, and provide an interface for updating and retrieving the file of moving reservation information;improve that work efficiency.
This system is based on JAVA platform development of a set of moving reservation information management system. The front-end uses Vue progressive framework and the back-end uses SSM framework. The database uses MySQL to establish the conversion between data. This paper mainly introduces the development background of this topic, the function to be completed and the development process. The emphasis of the system design, design ideas, difficult technology and solutions.
Keywords: Moving Reservation System;VUE;SSM
目 录