



关键字  人才网、JSP、MYSQL、MyEclipse







Today’s society is a rapidly developing society, network has infiltrated into people’s lives, the network has become one of the major media of information dissemination, access can be said to cyber source has gradually changed people’s way of life, the network has become the people daily, one of the main tools of leisure. Design and implementation of personnel information management system based on JSP, it demonstrates the close link between the Internet and social life。

In this system the integrated application of MySQL, SSH, JSP knowledge. Structure design of webpage interface to practicality, has the characteristics of easy operation, simple, convenient. In the design, first of all, has obtained the good effect of art using the static page HTML language on the website of the fine processing and in site. Secondly, to learn and practice a lot for the dynamic programming, JSP Java programming and MySQL database, and applied to the construction of the site。

In this paper, the personnel information management system in detail. Access to the system user is divided into application users, enterprise users and administrators three roles, the realization of the 3 character has dozens of functions. The main functions of the system application users are: query job information, browse employment news, online registration, resume and other functions. The main function of enterprise users are: members of registered enterprises, recruitment information, view the resume function. Administrator’s main function is: user information management, employment information management, job information management, system message board management, system information and other functions。


Key Words  Talent Network、JSP、MYSQL、MyEclipse



目  录




1  系统概述与技术介绍

1.1  BS结构介绍

1.2  MySQL数据库

1.3  MyEclipse介绍

1.4  JavaScrip语言

1.5  JSP技术

1.6  MVC模式

2  系统需求分析

2.1  开发环境

2.2  需求分析

2.3  可行性分析

3  系统概要设计

3.1  系统设计概述

3.2  系统用例图

3.3  系统流程图

3.4  系统功能分析

4  数据库设计与实现

4.1  数据库结构设计

4.1.1  表概要说明

4.1.2  数据表的结构

5  系统的实现

5.1  前台首页设计

5.2  网站导航设计

5.3  职位信息列表

5.4  用户注册模块

5.6  后台登录页面

5.7  职位信息管理

5.8  退出后台管理

6  系统测试

4.1  测试方法

4.2  系统测试结果





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