摘 要
运用Java编程语言和SpringBoot技术,采用了控制层、服务层、结构化层进行开发设计,并运用了 VUE、MySQL等基于 Web 的开发技术,在基于SpringBoot的架构下完成了该基于协同推荐的黔醉酒业白酒销售系统,并且根据酒水的香型及根据用户购买过的系列进行推荐。该系统将减少酒水企业的运作成本,将销售、进货、管理库存工作统一化、规范化、现代化。
关键词:黔醉酒业白酒销售,Vue, Mysql数据库 SpringBoot框架,协同过滤
The Baijiu sales system of Qianzui Liquor Industry based on collaborative recommendation is mainly designed for the specific business needs of Qianzui Liquor Industry. At this stage, large enterprises in China will have their own e-commerce platforms and sales management systems, whose functions are too lengthy and complex for small and medium-sized enterprises, and the cost is not affordable for small and medium-sized enterprises. However, using electronic reports to solve sales statistics and other problems is too wasteful of human resources, and inefficient, It is necessary to find your own best solution and customize your own e-commerce system
The system functions are divided into administrator and user. The administrator function module mainly includes user management, series management, hot drinks management, system management and order management. The user function module mainly includes functions such as hot selling drinks, discount consultation, personal information management, and shopping cart management. The system can automatically, accurately and reliably process and transmit this information, and can timely classify, manage, transmit, and display useful information according to its content.
Using Java programming language and SpringBoot technology, the control layer, service layer and structural layer are used for development and design, and VUE, MySQL and other Web based development technologies are used to complete the Baijiu sales system of Qianzui Liquor Industry based on collaborative recommendation under the framework of SpringBoot, and recommendations are made according to the flavor of liquor and the series purchased by users. This system will reduce the operating costs of beverage enterprises and unify, standardize, and modernize sales, procurement, and inventory management.
Collaborative recommendation refers to finding similar people or highly correlated products to recommend to customers based on the correlation between users or products, in order to achieve higher user stickiness and economic benefits.
Key words: Baijiu sales, Vue, MySQL database SpringBoot framework