摘  要










In this paper analyzes the market demand of blogging system and its advantages and inadequate, and the status of that blogs developed rapidly in china. Proposed to design a corporate ssh-based bolg systems thinking. Papers on the Blog System operation mechanism, composition, related techniques can be applied to in-depth research and analysis, detailed design of the system and detailed design, and on this basis, application of the most popular j2ee three-tier structure and jsp technology, databases and the systems development of technology to complete system of the main features.

This blog system is committed to offer high quality interactive exchange platform for customers. Implemente manage the data of publish articles, comments, pictures, companions and so on.

The system uses SSH framework design in order to meet the blog information management system requirements, and implement the static and dynamic pages separate. The system is divided into three layers based on the functions; there are Presentation Layer, Business Logic Layer and Data Persistence Layer. It uses Struts2 as overall infrastructure to separate the MVC. In the model part of the Struts2, it uses Hibernate framework to support persistence layer and uses Spring framework to support business layer. The specific approach is according to the demand to propose some models with the object-oriented analysis method, and realizes these models for basic object of Java, then compiles the basic DAO connection and realizes it in Hibernate. It uses the DAO which made by the Hibernate framework to achieve the conversion and access between Java and database, finally it completes the service logic by Spring framework.


Key words: Presentation Layer; Business Logic Layer; Data persistence layer; Struts; Hibernate; Spring


目    录



1.1 概述

1.2 研究背景和发展趋势

1.2.1 研究背景

1.2.2 发展趋势

1.3 研究的目的和意义

1.4 本文工作概述

1.5 本文结构

第2章 系统相关技术

2.1 体系结构

2.2 JSP简介


2.4 TOMCAT简介

2.5 MYSQL简介

2.6 Struts2简介

2.7 Spring简介

2.8 Hibernate简介

第3章 系统分析

3.1 系统可行性分析:

3.2 系统需求分析:

3.2.1 功能需求分析

3.2.2 系统的业务需求及流程

3.2.3 系统数据分析及数据流图

3.2.4 系统数据字典

第4章 系统数据库设计

4.1 概念设计

4.2 数据表结构

4.3 数据表结构关系

5 系统总体设计

5.1 系统的总体设计原则


5.2.1 总体功能描述

5.2.2 功能模块设计

6 系统详细设计与实现

6.1 SSH构架的搭建及配置文件

6.2 系统编码设计

6.2.1 编写持久对象层类

6.2.2 编写数据访问层类

6.2.3 编写业务逻辑层类

6.2.4 编写WEB层类

6.3 系统主要功能模块详述

6.3.1 后台:博客管理模块

6.3.2 前台:用户界面模块


7.1 博客系统的主要特点

7.2 系统的不足之处

7.3 前景展望





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