摘  要










According to the Computer technique development quickly, the Computer is universal in the each application realm, thus to the Computer profession, software  need of the professional technical personnel also in the quick exaltation. But from the calculator technique and the softwareprofessionaltechniquequalifications( level) examinations that the national personnel department and information industry departments organize together, science, carried on the test to the professional technical personnel of national calculator and software equitably, get the society and use extensive approbation of person’s unit. But in organize examine of register process, the examination registers the data to record to go into, release quickly, managing the problem efficiently increasingly outstanding.

This system is for satisfying the different examinee of everyplace to examine to register the difficult request currently, provide for the examinee more effectively, convenience, register the condition fast, also for ease the manager’s work difficulty. More for moderating the relation between examinee and manager, raised the work efficiency of the examinee and manager quickly. Combine further excellent turned the calculator technique and the software technique qualifications examinations.

This text mainly discussed the system legal power constitution, importation data, data search, the data modifies the program design of the mold piece and carries out the process.


Key words: Register system; Network; WEB; ADO



目  录







2 系统开发背景简介

2.1  JSP简介

2.1.1  JSP技术简介

2.1.2  JSP的功能

22 关系数据库与SQL 简介

2.2.1 关系数据库

2.2.2  SQL语言的发展

2.2.3  SQL 概貌及其特点

2.3  ADO简介

2.3.1  微软COM体系

2.3.2  ADO对象模型组成

2.3.3   ADO的特点分析

3  公务员考试报名系统概述

31 系统设计

3.1.1  系统编写目的

3.1.2  系统功能分析

3.1.3  系统功能模块的设计

3.2  数据库设计

3.2.1  数据库需求分析

3.2.2  数据库概念结构设计

3.2.3  数据库逻辑结构设计

4  公务员考试报名系统的功能实现

4.1  考生网上报名功能实现与登录

4.1.1  用户公务员考试报名系统流程图

4.1.2  用户报名信息录入程序流程图如图

4.1.3  用户修改报名信息实现程序流程图

4.1.4 用户留言实现程序流程图

42 管理员功能实现与登录

4.2.1 管理员登陆实现

4.2.2  管理员查询与统计

4.2.3 用户管理

5  公务员考试报名系统简要操作流程

51 考生模块功能实现与登录

5.1.1 系统首页实现

5.1.2 站内新闻页面

5.1.3 用户注册信息录入实现

5.1.4 在线报名信息录入实现

5.1.5  留言功能实现


5.2.1 管理员登陆实现

5.2.2 管理员帐号管理模块程序设计


5.2.4  考试课程管理






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