
摘  要

SMART系统是一个新型智能在线考试信息管理系统,该系统主要实现了学生在线考试与评估以及教师对学生在线考试信息的管理和维护。本文按照SMART系统的非功能性需求,基于Struts、Spring、Hibernate三种开源技术,构建了一个具有良好的可扩展性、可维护性、可靠性的系统框架。整个系统的框架分为三层,分别为表现层、业务层和持久层。 本系统的表现层是基于Struts作扩展设计,结合本系统的需求完成了自定义标签的封装,基本action接口的编写。在业务层则是采用单例模式设计与Spring的IoC模式相结合,实现了公共代理类的编写,各业务逻辑接口的封装。而在持久层的设计中则是采用基于现有持久层框架的实现模式,实现了对产生Session实例的封装,对常用数据库操作的封装。这样设计减少了耦合性且避免了生成大量的临时对象。






SMART System –The Design and Development of The Framework


The SMART system is a new type of intelligent information management system for online examination. The system has mostly realized the function that the students can do the online exam and the teachers can manage and maintain the exam information of students on SMART System. In this paper, how to construct a system framework of good expansibility, maintainability, and reliability is discussing in detail according to the non-functionality need of the Smart system, which is based on Struts, Spring, and Hibernate. The system framework is divided into three layers, and they are view layer, business layer, and persistent layer. We can do expansion-designing of Struts in the process of the framework designing which bases on the view layer, also the encapsulation of the custom tag and the compiled language for the basic interface of action are finished according to the request of the system. In this system, the business layer is a combo of single-example mode and IoC mode, so the compiled language for the common deputize and the encapsulation of the business logic interface have been realized. The realized mode that is applied to the framework design of the persistent layer is based on the framework of the persistent layer in existence, also the encapsulation of creating example for Session and the encapsulation of database for common use are realized. As a result, it will reduce the coupling, and a lot of temporary objects created in this process will be avoided.

Favorable expansibility and maintainability can be achieved in this system framework. This frame is not only applied to the systemic development but also can be applied to the most B/S system which bases on the frame of SSH in the field of J2EE.


Key words: Design Pattern; OpenSource; Domain Modeling; The framework of System


目  录


1 引言

1.1 课题背景

1.2 国内外研究现状

1.3 本课题研究的意义

2 系统需求分析

2.1 可扩展性要求

2.2 可维护性要求

2.3 可伸缩性要求

2.4 可靠性要求

3 系统开发环境及实现关键技术

3.1 硬件环境

3.2 软件环境

3.3 系统实现的关键技术

4 系统总体框架设计

4.1 总体结构说明

4.2 总体结构设计与建模

5 系统总体框架具体实现

5.1 各层具体实现

6 测试与分析

6.1 测试环境

6.2 测试结果

6.3 结果分析







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