The purpose of the “Springboot based food therapy and health preservation shop mini program” studied in this article is to provide users with products related to healthy food therapy and health preservation. This mainly includes the roles of mini program users and backend administrators. In the product information module, users can browse the health food provided in the mini program, understand the product name, product classification, functions, required ingredient preparation steps, and other information, and select the suitable health products for themselves; In the points redemption module, users can redeem goods with their personal points; In the shopping cart module, users can add items of interest to their shopping cart, view selected items, and adjust quantities at any time; Users can also view their purchase records and order details in My Orders.
This system uses mini program technology, MySQL database to store data, and is developed based on the Springboot framework. The system adopts a modular design method to develop functional modules based on user needs, which facilitates program expansion and maintenance for later updates. The entire development process begins with a requirement analysis of the system and identifies the main functional modules of the system
Keywords:Food therapy and health shop mini program; Mini program technology; Springboot framework
目 录
4 基于Springboot的猫咪商城小程序关键模块的设计与实现 20
4.1首页界面 0
结论 31
1 绪论