摘 要
Image recognition technology has been widely applied in various fields, such as medical image recognition, intelligent security monitoring, and manual quality inspection. The “Fire Warning System Based on Image Recognition” designed in this study mainly explores how to use image recognition technology to achieve early recognition and alarm of fires, in order to improve the efficiency of fire emergency response and reduce fire losses. The system is designed using the Django framework, which includes modules such as website announcements, fire information, identification and warning, complaint suggestions, etc. The system is simple to operate and has rich functions. It can monitor and warn fire risks in real time, providing important support for fire prevention and control.
Keywords: Image recognition, Django framework, recognition warning
摘 要 1
一、绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究意义 2
二、开发技术 4
三、系统分析 7
四、系统设计 12
4.1系统功能设计 12
4.2数据库结构设计 13
4.2.1E-R图设计 14
4.2.2数据库表设计 18
五、系统实现 19
5.1前台端功能介绍 19
5.1.1登录界面 20
5.1.2修改密码 20
5.1.3消防资讯界面 21
5.1.4网站公告界面 21
5.1.5识别预警界面 22
5.1.6投诉建议界面 22
5.1.7收藏界面 22
5.2后台功能介绍 23
5.2.5系统管理界面 25
六、系统模块测试 27
七、总结 28
参考文献 29
致谢 30