摘  要


本次将以hadoop 课程推荐系统和信息管理系统两个方面为切入点,论述了hadoop 课程推荐系统与信息管理系统的意义和内容,以此展开对网站数据可视化的开发与建设的详细分析。从数据挖掘的角度出发,了解信息管理系统的作用,对数据分析的过程以及用处进行更深一步的研究,数据的处理效率,以及具体的应用方向。对于大数据环境下对信息管理系统所带来的影响,将从传统管理信息系统与大数据环境下的管理信息系统进行对比分析,从硬件优化、软件开发,这几个方面来论述爬虫实现网站数据可视化的优势所在,分析hadoop 课程推荐系统在大数据时代发展的变化趋势。并且以hadoop 课程推荐系统信息为例,分析在网站数据可视化的客观需求分析,针对其中的问题对网站数据可视化做出一些无论是加强相关政策的立法工作还是建立及时的信息反馈等等的合理化建议,并进行对于未来发展的分析规划。

关键词:hadoop 课程推荐系统;



In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, in the context of economic globalization, big data will further improve the efficiency and speed of comprehensive social development, and big data technology will also involve various fields, and the realization of website data visualization by crawlers has an important role in the background of website data visualization. The development of management information system is a process of continuous optimization. With the coming of the era of network big data, the integration of management information system and big data is inevitable.

Starting from the two aspects of hadoop course recommendation system and information management system, this paper discusses the significance and content of hadoop course recommendation system and information management system, so as to carry out a detailed analysis of the development and construction of website data visualization. From the point of view of data mining, to understand the role of information management system, the process of data analysis and the use of further research, data processing efficiency, and specific application direction. As for the impact of big data environment on information management system, this paper will make a comparative analysis between traditional management information system and management information system under big data environment, discuss the advantages of crawler to realize website data visualization from the aspects of hardware optimization and software development, and analyze the development trend of hadoop course recommendation system in the era of big data. Taking the information of hadoop course recommendation system as an example, this paper analyzes the objective demand analysis of website data visualization, and makes some reasonable suggestions for website data visualization in view of the problems, whether it is strengthening the legislative work of relevant policies or establishing timely information feedback, and makes analysis and planning for future development.

Keywords: hadoop course recommendation system;


目  录

摘  要


1 绪  论

1.1 大数据的意义 1

1.2 研究的主要内容

1.3 本文主要工作 2

1.4 本文的组织结构 3

2系统相关技术 3

2.1  Python简介 4

2.2  Django框架介绍 4

2.3  mysql数据库介绍 4

2.4  MySQL环境配置 5

2.5  Hadoop框架 5

2.6  爬虫技术简介 6

3 系统分析 7

3.1 需求分析 7

3.1.1系统总体分析 8

3.2 可行性分析 8

3.2.1 经济可行性 9

3.2.2 技术可行性 9

3.2.3 运行可行性 10

3.3  需求分析 11

3.4 系统流程分析 11

3.4.1 登录流程图 12

3.4.2 添加新用户流程图 13

4 系统设计 13

4.1 系统功能结构图 14

4.2 数据库E-R图设计 14

4.3 系统数据表设计 14

5 详细设计 16

5.1前台用户功能的实现 17

5.2后台管理员功能的实现 19

5.3hadoop 课程推荐系统看板展示 19

6 系统测试 20

6.1 功能测试 21

6.2 可用性测试 26

6.3 维护测试 27

6.4 性能测试 27

6.5 测试结果分析 27

结论 30

参考文献 31

致  谢 33


1 绪  论




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