为了更好地发挥本系统的技术优势,根据公安院校学警健康监测系统的需求,本文尝试以B/S经典设计模式中的Spring Boot框架,JAVA语言为基础,通过必要的编码处理、公安院校学警健康监测系统整体框架、功能服务多样化和有效性的高级经验和技术实现方法,旨在完成一个快速、高效、便捷的公安院校学警健康监测系统。本系统以学警用户与管理员两类人,其中学警用户主要功能包含学警用户的注册与登录,查看公告信息、健康资讯、运动健康常识等信息,对账号相关信息的修改;管理员主要功能包括了对系统用户、健康信息、饮食计划、运动计划、运动健康常识、治疗信息等管理;管理员可以实现最高权限级别的全系统管理,
关键字:公安院校学警健康监测系统;Spring Boot框架;JAVA语言;
This system is designed and produced for users as a health monitoring system for police officers in public security colleges, aiming to achieve intelligent and modern management of health monitoring for police officers in public security colleges. The ultimate goal of the development and research of the health monitoring automation system for police officers in public security colleges is to transform the operation mode of health monitoring for police officers from manual data recording to network information query management, thereby providing more convenience and conditions for the use of modern management personnel. Digitizing and intelligentizing the health monitoring system for police officers in public security colleges is an important measure to improve work efficiency.
In order to better leverage the technological advantages of this system and meet the needs of the health monitoring system for police officers in public security colleges, this article attempts to use the Spring Boot framework in the B/S classic design pattern, based on Java language, and through necessary coding processing, the overall framework of the health monitoring system for police officers in public security colleges, as well as advanced experience and technical implementation methods for diversified and effective functional services, aiming to complete a fast, efficient, and convenient health monitoring system for police officers in public security colleges. This system consists of two types of users: police officers and administrators. The main functions of police officers include registration and login, viewing announcement information, health information, exercise and health knowledge, and modifying account related information; The main functions of the administrator include managing system users, health information, dietary plans, exercise plans, exercise and health knowledge, and treatment information; Administrators can achieve full system management at the highest level of authority,
Keywords: Health monitoring system for police officers in public security colleges and universities; Spring Boot framework; JAVA language;
目 录
结论 25
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