关键词: 智能文献;python;MySQL
With the development of Network Science and technology, it is imperative to use analysis in the intelligent document management system, which will help enterprises better understand the trend of document information and improve the quality of documents.
This article describes the python-based development, background database selection MySQL data storage. The main function of the software is to carry out literature information analysis. It mainly includes user management, document type management, document information management, Document Annotation Management, online forum, System Management, my information and so on. This paper mainly introduces the design intention and function realization of the application, and explains the design idea of the intelligent document management system, the design of the database and the design of the function module. In the whole design process of the intelligent document management system, the problems of database security, consistency, stability and reliability are considered, can be put into practical application.
Key words: Intelligent Literature; python; MySQL