摘 要
随着高等教育的普及和学生规模的增加,高校奖学金管理变得愈发复杂和繁琐。为了提高奖学金管理的效率和准确性,本研究设计并实现了一个基于Spring Boot的奖学金小程序。
系统采用了SpringBoot框架,结合微信小程序技术进行开发。前端使用HTML/CSS/JavaScript编写,并通过小程序开发工具进行调试和部署。后端采用Spring Boot作为核心框架,配合Spring Data JPA实现数据持久化,数据库使用MySQL进行存储。此外,为了保证数据的安全性和权限控制,系统还引入了身份验证和权限管理机制。
关键词:JAVA开发语言;Spring Boot框架;奖学金小程序
With the popularization of higher education and the increase in student size, the management of scholarships in universities has become increasingly complex and cumbersome. In order to improve the efficiency and accuracy of scholarship management, this study designed and implemented a scholarship mini program based on Spring Boot.
This scholarship mini program is mainly aimed at administrators, teachers, and students, and covers core functions such as scholarship information management, scholarship approval, evaluation process, and scholarship application. Administrators can log in to the system to manage scholarship types, configure approval processes, and publish scholarship information. Teachers can participate in the scholarship evaluation process, review and evaluate student application materials. Students can view scholarship information, apply for scholarships, and submit relevant materials through the mini program.
The system adopts the SpringBoot framework and is developed using WeChat Mini Program technology. The front-end is written in HTML/CSS/JavaScript and debugged and deployed using mini program development tools. The backend uses Spring Boot as the core framework, combined with Spring Data JPA to achieve data persistence, and the database uses MySQL for storage. In addition, to ensure data security and permission control, the system has also introduced authentication and permission management mechanisms.
Through this scholarship mini program, administrators can easily manage and publish scholarship information, improving the efficiency of scholarship management. Teachers can participate in the scholarship evaluation process to achieve a fair and just evaluation process. Students can obtain scholarship related information through mini programs, conveniently apply for scholarships, and stay informed of application results in a timely manner.
Key words:Java development language; Spring Boot framework; Scholarship Mini Program
目 录
第1章 绪论
1.1 研究背景
本研究基于现代化的技术,如Spring Boot框架和微信小程序开发技术进行设计与实现。通过前后端的配合,实现了系统的功能需求,并确保数据的安全性和权限控制。