




关键词:柴可夫斯基  《四季》钢琴套曲  音乐画面畅想  演奏技巧





Piano divertimento “four seasons”, the subtitle “the character depicting twelve picture” is the piano works of Tchaikovsky as the number of poems and Qu Wanmei combined with, the most representative and artistic value of a piano Divertimento, title music masterpiece.

In 1875, the editor of the St Petersburg magazine, “the novelist”, asked Tchaikovsky to write a song for the month on the piano. Tchaikovsky told his manservant, one day per month to remind him to do it. Every should write such a piano that day, Tchaikovsky sat down and composed, according to the different writers and poets for a month a year in the creation of poetry, with twelve songs accompanied by the title of the independent Xiaoqu describes the character of a month in a year. Works in the music image of each of the first songs are with monthly monthly published the first twelve Psalms echoes, and these poems and seasonal characteristics of twelve months and associated. This title music makes the perfect combination of music and literature, not only emphasizes the literature and the description of music, but also shows the relationship between music and life better.

This paper focuses on the through of Tchaikovsky’s piano divertimento “four seasons” at home and abroad different versions of recordings of listen carefully to the combination of the basic spectrum analysis, the combination of twelve month each a piece of poetry songs to show the pictures and music were active and full of imagination and description, to the understanding of music and understanding as the basis of the Tchaikovsky the seasons, playing skills.


Keywords: Tchaikovsky piano divertimento “four seasons” Musical Picture imagination playing skills




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