
ABSTRACT :Financial analysis through to the enterprise financial report reflects financial index analysis, evaluation of enterprise financial status and development trend. Financial analysis method has a lot of kinds, in general can be divided into basic index method and the comprehensive analysis, the comprehensive analysis including the proportion of the wal-mart pointrating method and dupont analysis method. This paper, from the analysis of the concept and financial company of several normal financial analysis of the method, this paper introduces the concept of the proportion of the wal-mart grading method, traditional and the basic ideas of the world and use of financial indicators, according to the existing shortage is improved, and then using the improved method of the wal-mart score beauty ROM pharmaceutical and ha medicine group 2010-2011 years of financial status, analyzes the influence of the sustainable development of Saul pharmaceutical factors; Finally, according to the company operating in the problems, and put forward the improvement plan, realize the sustainable development of the company.
Key words: financial analysis,Financial analysis method,Waldo proportion score,sustainable development



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