
Abstract: We are faced with the invasion of a series of unexpected events in the process of human society development. Every time the outbreak of the incident a serious threat will be posed to people’s lives and property security and social stability. Especially in recent years, frequent natural disasters make us aware that relying solely on the power of the government we can not meet the needs of the incident management. The joining of non-governmental organizations and other social forces are needed. The development of non-governmental organizations is to make up for the deficiencies of the government.
In order to establish a comprehensive, fully integrated incident management system, we must first clear the government as a leading role and NGO as the role of trapping. After knowing that we can use the resources and strengths of the government and NGO to respond to emergencies and create a harmonious social atmosphere. As a result, we can maximize the social and public interests.
In this paper, taking the behavior of natural disasters and combined with the recent natural disasters in Guizhou Province, government and NGO as an example, we analyzed the government and NGO status and role in natural disasters. Through effective response of emergencies to the problems that the government and NGO respond to, only two cooperate in order to avoid their failure phenomena to complement each other. Our government and NGO collaboration in dealing with emergencies are summed through theory and case analysis at last.
Key words: Government; NGO; emergencies; natural disasters



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