Abstract:In recent years, and the Hongkong Special Administrative Region in Guangdong cooperation continues to deepen, through both cooperation and exchanges have become increasingly frequent, also caused people to Hong Kong and Macao in cooperation for development of a series of topic discussion. Based on the research of the process to” Hong Kong health emergency cooperation agreement” as an example, through the H1N1 influenza ( swine flu ) outbreak in Hong Kong in the specific case of health emergency cooperation effect launched an in-depth study and discussion. In this research and study in the process, the Guangdong and Hong Kong in the health emergency cooperation in the process of cooperation, cooperation effect and sense of cooperation and other aspects of research and analysis. Through the analysis of this paper aims to summarize the Guangdong and Hong Kong in the health emergency cooperation the main mode of operation and the main practice, as well as in the promotion of Hong Kong Hong Kong Cross in health emergency cooperation innovation measures. Through the research, explores the Guangdong in response to swine flu was taken in the event of a series of positive approach to promote Guangdong economic benefits to the effect, but also to further enhance the two sides in health emergency cooperation in the utility and promote cross-strait economic and cultural exchange, the better development of some effective experience.
Key word:A type HINI, outbreak, health emergency cooperation agreement, both sides benefit between Guangdong and Hong Kong



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