摘 要

The Inner Mongolia Tourist Attraction Data Analysis System is an intelligent platform specially designed to analyze and enhance the tourism appeal of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The system deeply excavates and evaluates the rich tourism resources in Inner Mongolia. It tracks visitor traffic, food recommendations, regional cultural events, hotel stay rates, and travel-related discussions on social media to understand and optimize the visitor experience. The system presents the analysis results to the user through visual tools, including thermal maps, trend charts and interactive maps, making complex data information easy to understand and manipulate. The Inner Mongolia Tourist Attraction Data Analysis System aims to promote the sustainable development of regional tourism and enhance Inner Mongolia’s competitiveness as a tourist destination. With the continuous progress of technology, the system will continue to be upgraded to provide more accurate and convenient services for tour operators and tourists.
The data storage of the Python-based Inner Mongolia tourist attraction data analysis system is mainly through MySQL database. The data generated by the user when using the application is passed to the database through the Python language. In this way, the information management of Inner Mongolia tourist attraction data analysis system is promoted, and a platform with rich content, diverse functions and easy operation is provided. The design of the database is described. The detailed design of the system mainly discusses the detailed design process of several main modules.

Key words: Analysis of tourist attractions; Python; MySQL database;


目 录
1 引言 5
1.1 选题背景与意义 5
1.2 国内外研究现状 5
1.3 研究的主要内容 6
2 平台开发相关技术 7
2.1 Python语言 7
2.2 Django框架 7
2.3 vue简介 7
2.4 Hadoop介绍 8
2.5 Scrapy介绍 8
2.6 Tomcat服务器 8
2.7 MySQL数据库 8
2.8 B/S架构 9
2.9 推荐算法介绍 9
3系统需求分析 10
3.1 功能需求分析 10
3.2 性能需求分析 11
3.3 系统可行性分析 11
3.3.1 技术可行性 11
3.3.2 操作可行性 12
3.3.3 运行可行性 12
3.3.4 社会可行性 12
3.4系统流程图分析 12
3.4.1 登录流程图 12
3.4.2 添加新用户流程图 13
4 系统软件的总体设计 15
4.1 系统的基本要求 15
4.2 系统开发目标 15
4.3 系统总体架构设计 15
4.4 系统数据库的设计 16
4.4.1 数据库设计原则 16
4.4.2 数据库E-R图 16
4.4.3 数据库表 17
5 系统软件功能的具体实现 24
5.1 系统功能实现 24
5.1.1系统首页页面 24
5.1.2个人中心 26
5.2管理员模块实现 26
6 系统测试运行维护 31
6.1 系统测试的目的 31
6.2 测试用例 31
6.3 系统运行与维护 32
7 结论 34
参考文献 35
致 谢 36



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