摘 要
系统阐述的是一款新冠肺炎疫情实时监控系统的设计与实现,对于Python、B/S结构、MySql进行了较为深入的学习与应用。主要针对系统的设计,描述,实现和分析与测试方面来表明开发的过程。开发中使用了 django框架和MySql数据库技术搭建系统的整体架构。利用这些技术结合实际需求开发了具有个人中心、用户管理、疫情数据管理、全国实时数据管理、国内实时动态管理、留言交流、系统管理等功能的系统,最后对系统进行相应的测试,测试系统有无存在问题以及测试用户权限来优化系统,最后系统达到预期目标。

关键字:新冠肺炎;Python; django;MySql数据库

With the development of computer technology, the application of computer system has been extended to every field of society, a large number of wide application based on the network to life has brought very convenient. Therefore, the real-time monitoring and management of the novel coronavirus outbreak is combined with the current network, and the real-time monitoring and management system of the novel coronavirus outbreak is built by using computers to realize the informationization of the real-time monitoring and management of the novel coronavirus outbreak. It will help further improve the development of real-time monitoring and management of the novel coronavirus outbreak and enrich the experience of real-time monitoring and management of the novel coronavirus outbreak.
This paper systematically describes the design and implementation of a real-time monitoring system for the novel coronavirus outbreak, and makes in-depth study and application of Python, B/S structure and MySql. Mainly for the system design, description, implementation and analysis and testing aspects to show the development process. Development using django framework and MySql database technology to build the overall architecture of the system. Using these technologies combined with the actual needs of the development of a personal center, user management, epidemic data management, national real-time data management, domestic real-time dynamic management, message exchange, system management and other functions of the system, finally conducted corresponding tests on the system, test whether there are problems in the system and test user rights to optimize the system, finally the system to achieve the expected goal.

Key words: COVID-19; Python; django; MySql database


目 录

1 概 述 5
1.1研究背景 5
1.2研究意义 5
1.3研究内容 5
2 关键技术介绍 7
2.1 PYTHON语言简介 7
2.2 MySql数据库 7
2.3 DJANGO框架 8
2.4 Hadoop介绍 9
2.5 Scrapy介绍 9
2.6 B/S架构 10
3 系统分析 11
3.1可行性分析 11
3.1.1经济可行性 11
3.1.2技术可行性 11
3.1.3运行可行性 11
3.2系统用例分析 11
3.3流程设计 12
3.3.1程序流程图设计 12
3.3.2添加信息流程图设计 13
3.3.3删除信息流程图设计 14
4 系统的设计 15
4.1系统总功能模块设计 15
4.2系统数据库设计 15
4.2.1数据库系统概要设计 15
4.2.2 E-R模型结构设计 15
4.3数据表设计 18
5 系统的实现 23
5.1系统功能实现 23
5.2管理员模块实现 25
6系统测试 30
6.1系统测试的目的 30
6.2软件测试过程 30
6.3测试用例 31
结论 33
致谢 34
参考文献 35



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