
摘  要





关键词:资产管理 JSP Struts Hibernate Spring

Fixed-assets Manager System


With the development of computer information technology and the high demand of scientific management and rationalization of assets and equipment, using computer to achieve the information management of equipment and assets has become very important.

Fixed assets management system is an indispensable part of a unit, However, we have been using the traditional manual to manage the information of fixed assets, and there are many shortcomings of this approach, which has brought a lot of difficulties to find and update and maintenance .Therefore, to develop a as set management software with friendly interface and easy operation to carry out automated management become very important. This is the purpose and significance of the development of the system. The fixed asset management system decried in this article achieves functions of efficient management of fixed assets using browser / server model. In this system, we can use the function of assets add, delete edits and inquiry, statements printing and so on; we can also use the basic operation of workers add, delete, modify and check. The system also limit the authority so that operators can only do some basic operations to users and assets and the administrator give permissions to every employee.

With the help of this system, the university not only enhances the efficiency but also meets the needs of modern management of asset.


Keywords:Fixed-assets  JSP  Struts  Hibernate  Spring

目    录





第1章 绪    

1.1 项目背景

1.2 项目设计原则

1.2.1 实用性原则

1.2.2 经济性原则

1.2.3 扩充性原则

1.2.4 社会可行性原则

1.3 本章小结

第2章 系统分析

2.1 需求分析

2.2 技术可行性

2.2.1 动态网站技术介绍

2.2.2 程序语言的选择

2.3 软件可行性分析

2.3.1 软件环境

2.3.2 硬件环境

2.4 系统结构可行性分析

2.4.1 B/S模式简介

2.4.2 B/S模式的优点

2.5 本章小结

第3章 关键技术

3.1 开发架构

3.1.1 软件开发架构的意义

3.1.2 Struts架构简介

3.2 数据持久层

3.2.1 持久层主流方案

3.2.2 持久层主流方案

3.2.3 持久化技术

3.3 本章小结

第4章 总体设计

4.1 总体设计

4.2 数据库设计

4.2.1 数据库的需求分析

4.2.2 数据库表的具体设计

4.3 详细设计

4.3.1 功能设计

4.3.2 系统登陆

4.3.3 系统用户管理

4.3.4 员工信息管理

4.3.5 资产入库管理

4.3.6 资产维护管理

4.3.7 资产借还管理

4.3.8 打印报表

4.3.9 密码修改

4.4 技术难点

4.4.1 中文乱码

4.4.2 图片处理

4.4.3 HQL语言

4.4.4 安全性

4.5 本章小结

第5章 系统测试

5.1 测试的定义及目的

5.2 测试的原则

5.3 系统的方法

5.3.1 界面测试

5.3.2 功能测试

5.3.3 需求测试

5.3.4 性能测试

5.4 系统中其它要注意的地方

5.5 固定资产管理系统的测试

5.6 本章小结






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