

任何系统都要遵循系统设计的基本流程,本微信小程序也不例外,同样需要经过市场调研,需求分析,概要设计,详细设计,编码,测试这些步骤,本系统前台采用微信开发者结合后台Java语言设计并实现了房屋直租平台。该系统基于B/S即所谓浏览器/服务器模式,应用Spring Boot框架,选择MySQL作为后台数据库。系统主要包括系统管理员登录、用户、房主注册、登录、房屋租赁、预约看房等功能模块。

关键词: 房屋直租平台;微信小程序;Java语言;房屋租赁;Spring Boot框架。




The 21st century is the era of information and network. Entering the era of rapid development of information society, the digital revolution has brought new changes to all fields. Traditional newspapers and magazines are far from meeting people’s needs. People hope to learn more information on the Internet. Web pages are gradually integrated into people’s life. Browsing house information quickly and timely and obtaining colorful online information have become a part of people’s daily life. At the same time, more and more properties have established their own wechat applet house direct rental platform, Through the website, the administrator can add users, homeowners, house types, house leasing, reserved house viewing, lease orders and lease contracts. Users can view house information, make reserved house viewing, and carry out e-commerce. There is infinite vitality in the world of the Internet. There are only unexpected and impossible things here. The prospect of network development is unlimited. Early integration with the network, synchronization with the information age and integration with high technology will inject fresh vitality into the development of all walks of life.


Any system should follow the basic process of system design, and this wechat applet is no exception. It also needs to go through the steps of market research, demand analysis, outline design, detailed design, coding and testing. The front desk of the system uses wechat developers to design and implement the house direct rental platform in combination with the background Java language. The system is based on B / s, the so-called browser / server mode, applies the spring boot framework, and selects MySQL as the background database. The system mainly includes system administrator login, user, homeowner registration, login, house rental, appointment viewing and other functional modules.


Key words: House direct rent platform; Wechat applet; Java language; House leasing; Spring boot framework.



1.1课题背景及意义 2

1.2 课题的研究现状 3

1.3 课题目的 4

1.4本课题主要工作 5

2 开发工具和技术 6

2.1 微信开发者工具 7

2.2小程序框架以及目录结构介绍 8

2.3 JAVA简介 9

2.4 MySQL数据库 10

2.5 Spring Boot框架 11

3 系统需求分析 12

3.1 系统可行性分析及目的 13

3.1.1 系统设计目的 14

3.1.2 技术可行性 1

3.1.3 操作可行性 16

3.1.4经济可行性 17

3.1.5 法律可行性 18

3.2系统功能需求 19

4 系统总体设计 20

4.1 数据库设计 21

4.2 数据库概念设计 22

4.3 数据库逻辑结构设计 23

5 系统详细设计 24

5.1 用户微信端功能模块 25

5.2 房主微信端功能模块 26

5.3 管理员服务端功能模块 27

6 系统测试 28

6.1 系统测试的目的与方法 29

7   30

参考文献 31




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