摘    要


移动定位是指通过特定的定 位技术来获取移动手机或终端用户的位置信息(经纬度坐标),在电子地图上标出被定位对象的位置的技术或服务。定位技术有两种,一种是基于GPS的定 位,一种是基于移动运营网的基站的定位。基于GPS的定位方式是利用手机上的GPS定位模块将自己的位置信号发送到定位后台来实现移动定位的。基站定位则 是利用基站对手机的距离的测算距离来确定手机位置的。后者不需要手机具有GPS定位能力,但是精度很大程度依赖于基站的分布及覆盖范围的大小,有时误差会 超过一公里。前者定位精度较高。此外还有利用Wifi在小范围内定位的方式。本程序具有很好的可移植性和可继承性,开发者可以在其基础.






As smart phones into the life of the ordinary people, it will become the main equipment of access to information. Therefore, the application of mobile phone service will have very big development space, mobile phone GPS positioning and orbit service management system is one of them. Android platform to support the development of a variety of applications, it is by far the most popular open source smartphone operating system, the latest version is android4.0, provides a convenient and flexible development interface.

Mobile positioning refers to the fixed by a specific technology for mobile phones or end user’s location information (latitude and longitude coordinates), was located in the electronic map object location technology or service. Positioning technology, there are two, one is based on GPS, a positioning is based on mobile operation network base station. Based on GPS positioning way is to use a mobile phone GPS module will send signals to its own position background to realize the mobile location. Base station positioning is the use of measuring distance to determine the distance of the base station for mobile phone location. The latter do not need to mobile phones with GPS capabilities, but the precision is largely dependent on the distribution of base station and the size of the coverage, sometimes error more than a kilometer. The former location accuracy is higher. In addition to use Wifi positioning on a small scale. This procedure has the very good portability and inheritance, developers can in its foundation.

Intelligent mobile terminal of communication services, location-based services, and camera for photo information brought great convenience in a timely manner. This subject requires students based on the Android mobile intelligent terminal to develop a GPS positioning system, management system and the orbit including photography, upload, pictures, etc. This information need by intelligent terminal positioning function, at the same time should be running in the background copy information transmission.



Keywords: Android. Mobile; Positioning;


目    录


摘    要

目    录

第1章 课题的背景和现状

1.1 选题的目的及意义

1.2 研究现状

1.3 本系统要实现的基本目标和研究内容

2.1 经济上的可行性

2.2 技术上的可行性

2.3 操作上的可行性

2.4 系统用例图

2.5 系统流程图

第3章 总体设计

3.1 软件目标

3.2 功能需求


4.1 设计思想

4.2 系统功能结构图

4.3 开发语言简介

4.3.1 Android简介

4.3.2 Android Features特性

4.3.3 Android基本框架(Android Architecture)

4.4.4 Android系统的四大组件

4.4.5 SQLite简介

4.4 搭建Android开发环境

4.5 Android的工程

4.5.1  Android项目

4.5.2  Android工程程序结构

4.5.3  AndroidManifest.xml文件

4.6 数据库设计

4.7 数据库e-r图

第5章 系统详细设计实现及代码





6.1 程序调试

6.2 一般程序的测试

6.2.1 系统测试的相应步骤

5.2.2 相应系统测试的主要内容

第7章 总结


致 谢



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