摘 要


在Internet高速发展的今天,我们生活的各个领域都涉及到计算机的应用,其中包括校内二手交易网站的网络应用,在外国校内二手交易网站已经是很普遍的方式,不过国内的校内二手交易网站可能还处于起步阶段。校内二手交易网站具有商品信息、商品咨询功能。校内二手交易网站采用Java语言, ssm框架,基于mysql数据开发,实现了卖家、用户、商品分类、商品信息、商品咨询等内容进行管理,本小程序具有良好的兼容性和适应性,为用户提供更多的信息,也提供了良好的平台,从而提高小程序的核心竞争力。



关键词:小程序校内二手交易网站; ssm框架; Java语言;mysql数据库



Today, with the rapid development of the Internet, all areas of our life are related to the application of computers, including the network application of school second-hand trading websites. In foreign countries, school second-hand trading websites have been a very common way, but domestic school second-hand trading websites may still be in their infancy. The second-hand trading website in the school has the functions of commodity information and commodity consultation. The second-hand trading website in the school adopts Java language, SSM framework and is developed based on MySQL data. It realizes the management of sellers, users, commodity classification, commodity information, commodity consultation and other contents. This applet has good compatibility and adaptability, provides users with more information and a good platform, so as to improve the core competitiveness of the applet.

This paper first introduces the background and research purpose of the design, then introduces the related technology of applet, focuses on the function analysis and detailed design of applet, and finally summarizes the development experience of the system.

Key words: small program, school second-hand trading website; SSM framework; Java language; Mysql database



目 录

1   1

1.1 课题背景 2

1.2 课题研究的意义 3

1.3 系统实现的功能 4

1.4 课题研究现状

2系统相关技术 6

2.1 Java语言简介

2.2 mysql数据库介绍 8

2.3 MySQL环境配置 9

2.4 B/S架构 10

2.5 ssm框架 11

2.6 微信小程序简介 12

3系统需求分析 13

3.1系统功能 14


3.2.1 经济可行性

3.2.2 技术可行性

3.2.3 运行可行性

3.2.4 时间可行性 19

3.3小程序现状分析 21

4系统设计 22

4.1数据库设计 23

4.2系统整体设计 24

4.2.1 系统设计思想 25

4.2.2系统流程图 26

5系统详细设计 27



5.3用户微信端功能模块 29



7.1 总结

7.2 心得体会





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